





ssdからの起動 [2022/08/16 12:37] makotoa67ssdからの起動 [2022/08/18 13:56] (現在) makotoa67
行 525: 行 525:
 (2022/8/16) (2022/8/16)
 今後、SSDをメインに使うとして、SDK Managerとはちゃんとお付き合いしないといけないと考える。 今後、SSDをメインに使うとして、SDK Managerとはちゃんとお付き合いしないといけないと考える。
 SDK Managerを起動。Brokenとかなっているパッケージが見えるので、ちゃんと整える。 SDK Managerを起動。Brokenとかなっているパッケージが見えるので、ちゃんと整える。
行 539: 行 540:
 ``` ```
 +sudo ./flash.sh jetson-nano-***** nvme0n1 
 (多分、SDK Managerでデフォルトでflashしてしまうと、多分、内蔵eMMCをターゲットに書いてしまうんだと思う。) (多分、SDK Managerでデフォルトでflashしてしまうと、多分、内蔵eMMCをターゲットに書いてしまうんだと思う。)
 +まず、setup_memo_B01.txtの最後のパートの「Linuxカーネルの再ビルド手順(L4T 32.7.1ベース)」に従って、カーネルのカスタマイズを行う。
 +$ cp -p file file.org
 +cd kernel/kernel-4.9
 +$ cd ~/kernel-build/Linux_for_Tegra/source/public/kernel/kernel-4.9
 +Device Treeを/boot/dtb/にコピーして、jetson-io.pyを実行するところまで行ったが、
 +No DTB found for NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit!
 +などと言われる。jetson i/oはDeveloper Kit前提になっているのか。だが、TX2 NX moduleでもやったように思うのだが。。
 +以前の作業記録を確認しよう。1/22や1/27の記録を見ると、eMMCとSSDとで混乱した雰囲気はあるが、一応、Jetson I/Oは使えた雰囲気だが。。。
 +dtbファイルを全部/boot/dtb/にコピーしてもNo DTBと言われる。もとから存在した、kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtbも元のファイル名に戻したのに、それでもNo DTBと言われる。ふむ。
 +Jetson Xavier NX (Developer Kit version) (P3668-0000)
 +Jetson TX2 NX (P3636-0001)  
 +Jetson Nano (Developer Kit version) (P3448-0000)
 +Jetson Nano (P3448-0002)
 +よくわからないので、Device Treeを書く方法として、flash.shを使う方法を使ってみる。
 +ターゲット上で作成されている、Device Treeファイルを、
 +$ scp arch/arm64/boot/dts/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb arioka@beelink-u59.local:/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/
 +$ export DTB=tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb
 +$ sudo ./flash.sh --no-systemimg -k DTB jetson-nano-qspi-sd nvme0n1
 +arioka@beelink-u59:~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./flash.sh --no-systemimg -k DTB jetson-nano-qspi-sd mmcblk0p1
 +[sudo] arioka のパスワード: 
 +# L4T BSP Information:
 +# R32 , REVISION: 7.2
 +# Target Board Information:
 +# Name: jetson-nano-qspi-sd, Board Family: t210ref, SoC: Tegra 210, 
 +# OpMode: production, Boot Authentication:
 +# Disk encryption: disabled ,
 +./tegraflash.py --chip 0x21 --applet "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin" --skipuid --cmd "dump eeprom boardinfo cvm.bin" 
 +Welcome to Tegra Flash
 +version 1.0.0
 +Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
 +Use ! to execute system commands
 +[   0.0032 ] Generating RCM messages
 +[   0.0056 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0
 +[   0.0065 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
 +[   0.0079 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
 +[   0.0079 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
 +[   0.0079 ] 
 +[   0.0080 ] Signing RCM messages
 +[   0.0114 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0123 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0538 ] 
 +[   0.0538 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
 +[   0.0564 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0580 ] 
 +[   0.0580 ] Boot Rom communication
 +[   0.0602 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml --skipuid
 +[   0.0613 ] RCM version 0X210001
 +[   0.1623 ] Boot Rom communication completed
 +[   1.1727 ] 
 +[   1.1729 ] dump EEPROM info
 +[   1.1775 ] tegrarcm --oem platformdetails eeprom /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
 +[   1.1799 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.2525 ] Saved platform info in /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
 +[   1.3305 ] 
 +[   1.3351 ] tegrarcm --reboot recovery
 +[   1.3378 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.4130 ] 
 +Board ID(3448) version(401) 
 +copying bctfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/BCT/P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg)... done.
 +copying bootloader(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +copying initrd(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/l4t_initrd.img)... done.
 +Making Boot image... done.
 +Existing sosfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin) reused.
 +copying tegraboot(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/nvtboot.bin)... done.
 +copying cpu_bootloader(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +copying bpffile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/sc7entry-firmware.bin)... done.
 +copying wb0boot(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/warmboot.bin)... done.
 +Existing tosfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-mon-only.img) reused.
 +Existing eksfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
 +copying dtbfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb)... done.
 +Copying nv_boot_control.conf to rootfs
 +Skip generating system.img
 +Existing tbcfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_cpu.bin) reused.
 +copying tbcdtbfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb)... done.
 +copying cfgfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cfg/flash_l4t_t210_max-spi_sd_p3448.xml) to flash.xml... done.
 +copying flasher(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +Existing flashapp(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py) reused.
 +*** Updating [DTB] with kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb ***
 +./tegraflash.py --bl cboot.bin --bldtb kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb  --chip 0x21 --applet nvtboot_recovery.bin --bct  P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg  --cfg  flash.xml   --odmdata 0xa4000  --cmd "erase DTB; sign; write DTB ./signed/kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb.encrypt; reboot"  
 +Welcome to Tegra Flash
 +version 1.0.0
 +Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
 +Use ! to execute system commands
 +[   0.0072 ] Generating RCM messages
 +[   0.0096 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0
 +[   0.0105 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
 +[   0.0111 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
 +[   0.0111 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
 +[   0.0111 ] 
 +[   0.0111 ] Signing RCM messages
 +[   0.0133 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0142 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0212 ] 
 +[   0.0212 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
 +[   0.0235 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0251 ] 
 +[   0.0251 ] Boot Rom communication
 +[   0.0272 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0281 ] BR_CID: 0x32101001643c08482400000019fe8400
 +[   0.0574 ] RCM version 0X210001
 +[   0.1055 ] Boot Rom communication completed
 +[   1.1159 ] 
 +[   1.1160 ] Parsing partition layout
 +[   1.1218 ] tegraparser --pt flash.xml.tmp
 +[   1.1281 ] 
 +[   1.1282 ] Creating list of images to be signed
 +[   1.1341 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
 +[   1.1519 ] 
 +[   1.1520 ] Generating signatures
 +[   1.1550 ] tegrasign --key None --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   1.1562 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   1.2298 ] 
 +[   1.2299 ] Send BCT from Host
 +[   1.2299 ] Generating br-bct
 +[   1.2338 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg --chip 0x21 0
 +[   1.2410 ] 
 +[   1.2411 ] Updating boot device parameters
 +[   1.2438 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatedevparam flash.xml.bin
 +[   1.2448 ] Warning: No sdram params
 +[   1.2451 ] 
 +[   1.2451 ] Updating bl info
 +[   1.2471 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
 +[   1.2489 ] 
 +[   1.2489 ] Updating secondary storage information into bct
 +[   1.2510 ] tegraparser --pt flash.xml.bin --chip 0x21 0 --updatecustinfo P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct
 +[   1.2524 ] 
 +[   1.2524 ] Updating Odmdata
 +[   1.2547 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0xa4000
 +[   1.2555 ] Warning: No sdram params
 +[   1.2557 ] 
 +[   1.2558 ] Get Signed section of bct
 +[   1.2579 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
 +[   1.2592 ] 
 +[   1.2592 ] Signing BCT
 +[   1.2637 ] tegrasign --key None --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   1.2648 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   1.2654 ] 
 +[   1.2655 ] Updating BCT with signature
 +[   1.2676 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml
 +[   1.2691 ] 
 +[   1.2692 ] Updating BFS information on BCT
 +[   1.2714 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatebfsinfo flash.xml.bin
 +[   1.2728 ] 
 +[   1.2728 ] Sending BCTs
 +[   1.2749 ] tegrarcm --download bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct
 +[   1.2759 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.3557 ] Sending bct
 +[   1.3560 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   1.5808 ] 
 +[   1.5809 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
 +[   1.5853 ] tegrarcm --download ebt cboot.bin 0 0 --download rp1 kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb 0
 +[   1.5882 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.6196 ] Sending ebt
 +[   1.6205 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   1.7326 ] Sending rp1
 +[   1.7372 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   1.7952 ] 
 +[   1.7976 ] tegrarcm --boot recovery
 +[   1.7986 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.8731 ] 
 +[   1.8731 ] Writing partition
 +[   1.8766 ] tegradevflash --erase DTB
 +[   1.8775 ] Cboot version 00.01.0000
 +[   2.5633 ] Erasing partition DTB ..^CTraceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 1296, in <module>
 +    tegraflash_run_commands()
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 1155, in tegraflash_run_commands
 +    interpreter.onecmd(command)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/cmd.py", line 217, in onecmd
 +    return func(arg)
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 563, in do_erase
 +    tegraflash_erase(exports, args[0])
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 627, in tegraflash_erase
 +    tegraflash_erase_partition(partition_name)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 2359, in tegraflash_erase_partition
 +    run_command(command)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 202, in run_command
 +    log = print_process(process, enable_print)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 161, in print_process
 +    output = process.stdout.read(1)
 +$ sudo ./flash.sh --no-systemimg -k DTB jetson-nano-qspi-sd mmcblk0p1
 +$ sudo ./flash.sh --no-systemimg -k DTB jetson-nano-qspi-sd nvme0n1
 +[Jetson Nanoのクロスビルド環境の構築](https://qiita.com/MakotoA67/items/7a31d45289315b66476d)
 +arioka@beelink-u59:~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./flash.sh jetson-nano-qspi-sd mmcblk0p1
 +# L4T BSP Information:
 +# R32 , REVISION: 7.2
 +# Target Board Information:
 +# Name: jetson-nano-qspi-sd, Board Family: t210ref, SoC: Tegra 210, 
 +# OpMode: production, Boot Authentication:
 +# Disk encryption: disabled ,
 +./tegraflash.py --chip 0x21 --applet "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin" --skipuid --cmd "dump eeprom boardinfo cvm.bin" 
 +Welcome to Tegra Flash
 +version 1.0.0
 +Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
 +Use ! to execute system commands
 +[   0.0506 ] Generating RCM messages
 +[   0.0537 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0
 +[   0.0550 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
 +[   0.0565 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
 +[   0.0565 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
 +[   0.0565 ] 
 +[   0.0565 ] Signing RCM messages
 +[   0.0599 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0607 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0710 ] 
 +[   0.0710 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
 +[   0.0737 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0758 ] 
 +[   0.0758 ] Boot Rom communication
 +[   0.0781 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml --skipuid
 +[   0.0794 ] RCM version 0X210001
 +[   0.1847 ] Boot Rom communication completed
 +[   1.1945 ] 
 +[   1.1947 ] dump EEPROM info
 +[   1.1994 ] tegrarcm --oem platformdetails eeprom /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
 +[   1.2027 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.2390 ] Saved platform info in /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
 +[   1.3173 ] 
 +[   1.3229 ] tegrarcm --reboot recovery
 +[   1.3248 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.3551 ] 
 +Board ID(3448) version(401) 
 +copying bctfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/BCT/P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg)... done.
 +copying bootloader(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +copying initrd(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/l4t_initrd.img)... done.
 +Making Boot image... done.
 +Existing sosfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin) reused.
 +copying tegraboot(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/nvtboot.bin)... done.
 +copying cpu_bootloader(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +copying bpffile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/sc7entry-firmware.bin)... done.
 +copying wb0boot(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/warmboot.bin)... done.
 +Existing tosfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-mon-only.img) reused.
 +Existing eksfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
 +copying dtbfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb)... done.
 +Copying nv_boot_control.conf to rootfs
 + populating kernel to rootfs... done.
 + populating initrd to rootfs... done.
 + populating kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb to rootfs... done.
 +Making system.img... 
 + populating rootfs from /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs ... populating /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf ... done.
 + Sync'ing system.img ... done.
 + Converting RAW image to Sparse image... done.
 +system.img built successfully. 
 +Existing tbcfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_cpu.bin) reused.
 +copying tbcdtbfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb)... done.
 +copying cfgfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cfg/flash_l4t_t210_max-spi_sd_p3448.xml) to flash.xml... done.
 +copying flasher(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +Existing flashapp(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py) reused.
 +./tegraflash.py --bl cboot.bin --bct  P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg --odmdata 0xa4000 --bldtb kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb --applet nvtboot_recovery.bin  --cmd "flash; reboot"  --cfg flash.xml --chip 0x21    --bins "EBT cboot.bin; DTB tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb" 
 +saving flash command in /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flashcmd.txt
 +saving Windows flash command to /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flash_win.bat
 +assign_value: crc-flash.xml.bin 1 65520 1
 +printf '\x1' | dd of=crc-flash.xml.bin bs=1 seek=65520 count=1 conv=notrunc
 +1+0 レコード入力
 +1+0 レコード出力
 +1 byte copied, 9.1365e-05 s, 10.9 kB/s
 +assign_value: crc-flash.xml.bin 0 65521 1
 +printf '\x0' | dd of=crc-flash.xml.bin bs=1 seek=65521 count=1 conv=notrunc
 +1+0 レコード入力
 +1+0 レコード出力
 +1 byte copied, 6.9701e-05 s, 14.3 kB/s
 +assign_string: crc-flash.xml.bin PTHD 65528 4
 +echo PTHD | dd of=crc-flash.xml.bin bs=1 seek=65528 count=4 conv=notrunc
 +4+0 レコード入力
 +4+0 レコード出力
 +4 bytes copied, 5.3838e-05 s, 74.3 kB/s
 +*** Flashing target device started. ***
 +Welcome to Tegra Flash
 +version 1.0.0
 +Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
 +Use ! to execute system commands
 +[   0.0041 ] tegrasign --getmode mode.txt --key None
 +[   0.0054 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0086 ] 
 +[   0.0088 ] Generating RCM messages
 +[   0.0124 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0
 +[   0.0135 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
 +[   0.0592 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
 +[   0.0596 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
 +[   0.0596 ] 
 +[   0.0597 ] Signing RCM messages
 +[   0.0631 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0648 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0772 ] 
 +[   0.0773 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
 +[   0.0805 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0837 ] 
 +[   0.0838 ] Parsing partition layout
 +[   0.0879 ] tegraparser --pt flash.xml.tmp
 +[   0.0928 ] 
 +[   0.0932 ] Using default ramcode: 0
 +[   0.0933 ] Disable BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
 +[   0.0933 ] 
 +[   0.0933 ] Creating list of images to be signed
 +[   0.0975 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
 +[   0.1153 ] 
 +[   0.1154 ] Generating signatures
 +[   0.1188 ] tegrasign --key None --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.1209 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.1979 ] 
 +[   0.1980 ] Generating br-bct
 +[   0.2019 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg --chip 0x21 0
 +[   0.2106 ] 
 +[   0.2107 ] Updating boot device parameters
 +[   0.2132 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatedevparam flash.xml.bin
 +[   0.2141 ] Warning: No sdram params
 +[   0.2145 ] 
 +[   0.2145 ] Updating bl info
 +[   0.2165 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2186 ] 
 +[   0.2186 ] Updating secondary storage information into bct
 +[   0.2208 ] tegraparser --pt flash.xml.bin --chip 0x21 0 --updatecustinfo P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct
 +[   0.2221 ] 
 +[   0.2222 ] Updating Odmdata
 +[   0.2244 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0xa4000
 +[   0.2253 ] Warning: No sdram params
 +[   0.2257 ] 
 +[   0.2258 ] Get Signed section of bct
 +[   0.2281 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
 +[   0.2299 ] 
 +[   0.2300 ] Signing BCT
 +[   0.2346 ] tegrasign --key None --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.2361 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.2368 ] 
 +[   0.2368 ] Updating BCT with signature
 +[   0.2393 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2408 ] 
 +[   0.2408 ] Copying signatures
 +[   0.2430 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2518 ] 
 +[   0.2518 ] Updating BFS information on BCT
 +[   0.2543 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatebfsinfo flash.xml.bin
 +[   0.2559 ] 
 +[   0.2559 ] Boot Rom communication
 +[   0.2583 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2594 ] BR_CID: 0x32101001643c08482400000019fe8400
 +[   0.2889 ] RCM version 0X210001
 +[   0.3374 ] Boot Rom communication completed
 +[   1.3478 ] 
 +[   1.3479 ] Sending BCTs
 +[   1.3526 ] tegrarcm --download bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct
 +[   1.3552 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.4321 ] Sending bct
 +[   1.4323 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   1.6573 ] 
 +[   1.6621 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 --align cboot.bin
 +[   1.6651 ] 
 +[   1.6691 ] tegrahost --magicid EBT --appendsigheader cboot.bin cboot.bin_blheader
 +[   1.6770 ] 
 +[   1.6803 ] tegrasign --key None --list cboot.bin_list.xml
 +[   1.6816 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   1.7001 ] 
 +[   1.7032 ] tegrahost --updatesigheader cboot.bin_blheader.encrypt cboot.bin_blheader.hash zerosbk
 +[   1.7062 ] 
 +[   1.7550 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 --align tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb
 +[   1.7565 ] 
 +[   1.7588 ] tegrahost --magicid DTB --appendsigheader tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_blheader
 +[   1.7608 ] 
 +[   1.7634 ] tegrasign --key None --list tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_list.xml
 +[   1.7643 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   1.7727 ] 
 +[   1.7752 ] tegrahost --updatesigheader tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_blheader.encrypt tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_blheader.hash zerosbk
 +[   1.7768 ] 
 +[   1.7772 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
 +[   1.7796 ] tegrarcm --download ebt cboot.bin.encrypt 0 0 --download rp1 tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb.encrypt 0
 +[   1.7807 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.8557 ] Sending ebt
 +[   1.8565 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   1.9689 ] Sending rp1
 +[   1.9738 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   2.0312 ] 
 +[   2.0336 ] tegrarcm --boot recovery
 +[   2.0344 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   2.0651 ] 
 +[   2.0652 ] Retrieving storage infomation
 +[   2.0699 ] tegrarcm --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin
 +[   2.0758 ] Applet is not running on device. Continue with Bootloader
 +[   2.7520 ] 
 +[   2.7617 ] tegradevflash --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin
 +[   2.7652 ] Cboot version 00.01.0000
 +[   2.7954 ] Saved platform info in storage_info.bin
 +^CTraceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 2502, in tegraflash_get_storage_info
 +    run_command(command)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 206, in run_command
 +    raise tegraflash_exception('Return value ' + str(return_code) +
 +tegraflash_internal.tegraflash_exception: 'Return value 8\nCommand tegrarcm --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin'
 +During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
 +Traceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 1296, in <module>
 +    tegraflash_run_commands()
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 1155, in tegraflash_run_commands
 +    interpreter.onecmd(command)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/cmd.py", line 217, in onecmd
 +    return func(arg)
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 216, in do_flash
 +    tegraflash_flash(exports)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 274, in tegraflash_flash
 +    tegraflash_get_storage_info()
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 2506, in tegraflash_get_storage_info
 +    run_command(command)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 202, in run_command
 +    log = print_process(process, enable_print)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 161, in print_process
 +    output = process.stdout.read(1)
 +arioka@beelink-u59:~/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./flash.sh jetson-nano-qspi-sd mmcblk0p1
 +# L4T BSP Information:
 +# R32 , REVISION: 7.2
 +# Target Board Information:
 +# Name: jetson-nano-qspi-sd, Board Family: t210ref, SoC: Tegra 210, 
 +# OpMode: production, Boot Authentication:
 +# Disk encryption: disabled ,
 +./tegraflash.py --chip 0x21 --applet "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin" --skipuid --cmd "dump eeprom boardinfo cvm.bin" 
 +Welcome to Tegra Flash
 +version 1.0.0
 +Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
 +Use ! to execute system commands
 +[   0.0206 ] Generating RCM messages
 +[   0.0229 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0
 +[   0.0239 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
 +[   0.0245 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
 +[   0.0245 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
 +[   0.0245 ] 
 +[   0.0246 ] Signing RCM messages
 +[   0.0267 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0277 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0348 ] 
 +[   0.0349 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
 +[   0.0372 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0393 ] 
 +[   0.0394 ] Boot Rom communication
 +[   0.0420 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml --skipuid
 +[   0.0430 ] RCM version 0X210001
 +[   0.1441 ] Boot Rom communication completed
 +[   1.1537 ] 
 +[   1.1538 ] dump EEPROM info
 +[   1.1586 ] tegrarcm --oem platformdetails eeprom /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
 +[   1.1615 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.1938 ] Saved platform info in /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/cvm.bin
 +[   1.2717 ] 
 +[   1.2747 ] tegrarcm --reboot recovery
 +[   1.2759 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.3065 ] 
 +Board ID(3448) version(401) 
 +copying bctfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/BCT/P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg)... done.
 +copying bootloader(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +copying initrd(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/l4t_initrd.img)... done.
 +Making Boot image... done.
 +Existing sosfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_recovery.bin) reused.
 +copying tegraboot(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/nvtboot.bin)... done.
 +copying cpu_bootloader(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +copying bpffile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/sc7entry-firmware.bin)... done.
 +copying wb0boot(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/warmboot.bin)... done.
 +Existing tosfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tos-mon-only.img) reused.
 +Existing eksfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/eks.img) reused.
 +copying dtbfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb)... done.
 +Copying nv_boot_control.conf to rootfs
 + populating kernel to rootfs... done.
 + populating initrd to rootfs... done.
 + populating kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb to rootfs... done.
 +Making system.img... 
 + populating rootfs from /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs ... populating /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf ... done.
 + Sync'ing system.img ... done.
 + Converting RAW image to Sparse image... done.
 +system.img built successfully. 
 +Existing tbcfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/nvtboot_cpu.bin) reused.
 +copying tbcdtbfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb)... done.
 +copying cfgfile(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cfg/flash_l4t_t210_max-spi_sd_p3448.xml) to flash.xml... done.
 +copying flasher(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t210ref/cboot.bin)... done.
 +Existing flashapp(/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash.py) reused.
 +./tegraflash.py --bl cboot.bin --bct  P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg --odmdata 0xa4000 --bldtb kernel_tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb --applet nvtboot_recovery.bin  --cmd "flash; reboot"  --cfg flash.xml --chip 0x21    --bins "EBT cboot.bin; DTB tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb" 
 +saving flash command in /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flashcmd.txt
 +saving Windows flash command to /home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/flash_win.bat
 +assign_value: crc-flash.xml.bin 1 65520 1
 +printf '\x1' | dd of=crc-flash.xml.bin bs=1 seek=65520 count=1 conv=notrunc
 +1+0 レコード入力
 +1+0 レコード出力
 +1 byte copied, 0.000150955 s, 6.6 kB/s
 +assign_value: crc-flash.xml.bin 0 65521 1
 +printf '\x0' | dd of=crc-flash.xml.bin bs=1 seek=65521 count=1 conv=notrunc
 +1+0 レコード入力
 +1+0 レコード出力
 +1 byte copied, 0.000174158 s, 5.7 kB/s
 +assign_string: crc-flash.xml.bin PTHD 65528 4
 +echo PTHD | dd of=crc-flash.xml.bin bs=1 seek=65528 count=4 conv=notrunc
 +4+0 レコード入力
 +4+0 レコード出力
 +4 bytes copied, 0.000124407 s, 32.2 kB/s
 +*** Flashing target device started. ***
 +Welcome to Tegra Flash
 +version 1.0.0
 +Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
 +Use ! to execute system commands
 +[   0.0047 ] tegrasign --getmode mode.txt --key None
 +[   0.0056 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0084 ] 
 +[   0.0086 ] Generating RCM messages
 +[   0.0121 ] tegrarcm --listrcm rcm_list.xml --chip 0x21 0 --download rcm nvtboot_recovery.bin 0 0
 +[   0.0133 ] RCM 0 is saved as rcm_0.rcm
 +[   0.0163 ] RCM 1 is saved as rcm_1.rcm
 +[   0.0165 ] List of rcm files are saved in rcm_list.xml
 +[   0.0532 ] 
 +[   0.0533 ] Signing RCM messages
 +[   0.0565 ] tegrasign --key None --list rcm_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0581 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.0667 ] 
 +[   0.0668 ] Copying signature to RCM mesages
 +[   0.0694 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.0718 ] 
 +[   0.0718 ] Parsing partition layout
 +[   0.0741 ] tegraparser --pt flash.xml.tmp
 +[   0.0754 ] 
 +[   0.0756 ] Using default ramcode: 0
 +[   0.0756 ] Disable BPMP dtb trim, using default dtb
 +[   0.0756 ] 
 +[   0.0756 ] Creating list of images to be signed
 +[   0.0781 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --list images_list.xml
 +[   0.0906 ] 
 +[   0.0907 ] Generating signatures
 +[   0.0924 ] tegrasign --key None --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.0938 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.1686 ] 
 +[   0.1686 ] Generating br-bct
 +[   0.1727 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.cfg --chip 0x21 0
 +[   0.1812 ] 
 +[   0.1812 ] Updating boot device parameters
 +[   0.1837 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatedevparam flash.xml.bin
 +[   0.1853 ] Warning: No sdram params
 +[   0.1856 ] 
 +[   0.1856 ] Updating bl info
 +[   0.1877 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updateblinfo flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.1894 ] 
 +[   0.1895 ] Updating secondary storage information into bct
 +[   0.1915 ] tegraparser --pt flash.xml.bin --chip 0x21 0 --updatecustinfo P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct
 +[   0.1927 ] 
 +[   0.1927 ] Updating Odmdata
 +[   0.1951 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatefields Odmdata =0xa4000
 +[   0.1962 ] Warning: No sdram params
 +[   0.1965 ] 
 +[   0.1966 ] Get Signed section of bct
 +[   0.1989 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
 +[   0.2005 ] 
 +[   0.2006 ] Signing BCT
 +[   0.2055 ] tegrasign --key None --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key
 +[   0.2064 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   0.2070 ] 
 +[   0.2070 ] Updating BCT with signature
 +[   0.2092 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2107 ] 
 +[   0.2107 ] Copying signatures
 +[   0.2131 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 0 --partitionlayout flash.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2564 ] 
 +[   0.2565 ] Updating BFS information on BCT
 +[   0.2602 ] tegrabct --bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct --chip 0x21 0 --updatebfsinfo flash.xml.bin
 +[   0.2642 ] 
 +[   0.2643 ] Boot Rom communication
 +[   0.2686 ] tegrarcm --chip 0x21 0 --rcm rcm_list_signed.xml
 +[   0.2716 ] BR_CID: 0x32101001643c08482400000019fe8400
 +[   0.3014 ] RCM version 0X210001
 +[   0.3450 ] Boot Rom communication completed
 +[   1.3554 ] 
 +[   1.3555 ] Sending BCTs
 +[   1.3601 ] tegrarcm --download bct P3448_A00_lpddr4_204Mhz_P987.bct
 +[   1.3631 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   1.3950 ] Sending bct
 +[   1.3954 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   1.6214 ] 
 +[   1.6261 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 --align cboot.bin
 +[   1.6298 ] 
 +[   1.6343 ] tegrahost --magicid EBT --appendsigheader cboot.bin cboot.bin_blheader
 +[   1.6399 ] 
 +[   1.6434 ] tegrasign --key None --list cboot.bin_list.xml
 +[   1.6452 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   1.6624 ] 
 +[   1.6650 ] tegrahost --updatesigheader cboot.bin_blheader.encrypt cboot.bin_blheader.hash zerosbk
 +[   1.6674 ] 
 +[   1.7421 ] tegrahost --chip 0x21 --align tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb
 +[   1.8757 ] 
 +[   1.8808 ] tegrahost --magicid DTB --appendsigheader tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_blheader
 +[   1.9204 ] 
 +[   1.9234 ] tegrasign --key None --list tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_list.xml
 +[   1.9246 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
 +[   1.9346 ] 
 +[   1.9384 ] tegrahost --updatesigheader tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_blheader.encrypt tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb_blheader.hash zerosbk
 +[   2.0940 ] 
 +[   2.0945 ] Sending bootloader and pre-requisite binaries
 +[   2.0968 ] tegrarcm --download ebt cboot.bin.encrypt 0 0 --download rp1 tegra210-p3448-0002-p3449-0000-b00.dtb.encrypt 0
 +[   2.0977 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   2.1311 ] Sending ebt
 +[   2.1322 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   2.2441 ] Sending rp1
 +[   2.2485 ] [................................................] 100%
 +[   2.3055 ] 
 +[   2.3098 ] tegrarcm --boot recovery
 +[   2.3135 ] Applet version 00.01.0000
 +[   2.3926 ] 
 +[   2.3927 ] Retrieving storage infomation
 +[   2.3954 ] tegrarcm --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin
 +[   2.3964 ] Applet is not running on device. Continue with Bootloader
 +[   3.1057 ] 
 +[   3.1154 ] tegradevflash --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin
 +[   3.1181 ] Cboot version 00.01.0000
 +[   3.1508 ] Saved platform info in storage_info.bin
 +^CTraceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 2502, in tegraflash_get_storage_info
 +    run_command(command)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 206, in run_command
 +    raise tegraflash_exception('Return value ' + str(return_code) +
 +tegraflash_internal.tegraflash_exception: 'Return value 8\nCommand tegrarcm --oem platformdetails storage storage_info.bin'
 +During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
 +Traceback (most recent call last):
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 1296, in <module>
 +    tegraflash_run_commands()
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 1155, in tegraflash_run_commands
 +    interpreter.onecmd(command)
 +  File "/usr/lib/python3.8/cmd.py", line 217, in onecmd
 +    return func(arg)
 +  File "./tegraflash.py", line 216, in do_flash
 +    tegraflash_flash(exports)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 274, in tegraflash_flash
 +    tegraflash_get_storage_info()
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 2506, in tegraflash_get_storage_info
 +    run_command(command)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 202, in run_command
 +    log = print_process(process, enable_print)
 +  File "/home/arioka/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_4.6.2_Linux_JETSON_NANO_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/tegraflash_internal.py", line 161, in print_process
 +    output = process.stdout.read(1)
 +と、やはり同じ状況。仕方がないので、SDK Managerを用いて一式を書き込む、というやり方を実施する。書き込まれるイメージは、上のflash.shを用いた方法と同じものが使用されるはずなので、STEP01でJetson Nano Modules (P3448-0002)を指定して、STEP02でJetson SDK Componentsのチェックを外して、I accept the terms and conditions of the license agreements のチェックを入れて、CONTINUE TO STEP03を押す。
 +STEP03で、Auto setupはやはり無理で、初期化されてしまうが、Manual setupにて実施。これで完了後にJetsonが起動されたあとで確認すると、ちゃんとTC358748のドライバが組み込めたようで、起動時のprobe処理にてI2Cの通信でエラーとなるログが確認できた。
 +$ dtc -I fs -O dts -o extracted.dts /proc/device-tree
 +で、現在のDevice Tree情報を確認してみても、TC358748関連のカスタマイズの跡が確認できた。
ssdからの起動.1660621058.txt.gz · 最終更新: 2022/08/16 12:37 by makotoa67